
Biogas: Cheaper, Clean Alternative to LPG and Cooking Gas

Biogas:Cheaper ,clean alternative to LPG AND Cooking Gas

Biogas: Cheaper, Clean Alternative to LPG and Cooking Gas

Biogas continues to be mentioned as a cost effective, clean, green energy that is a most preferred alternative to turn to as a result of the increase in price of fuel leading to exaggerated cost of cooking gas and Liquified Petroleum Gas. (LPG).

It is however limited since not everyone can benefit from it as the gas majorly depends on regular distribution of waste products from domestic animals like cow dung, pig droppings. This makes zero-grazing, dairy and pig farmers to fully and easily benefit from the option as they get the raw materials free of charge.The readily available clean, green energy is only costly at the initial stages of installation of bio-digester receptacles up to the houses which is a one-time procedure and cannot be compared to the cost of petroleum gas or cooking gas. The bio-digester is the receptacle that stores the methane gas produced from animals’ wastes.

Biogas is eco-friendly, reduces soil and water pollution, it involves the use of few technological advances, hence not complicated to use. Improper installation of the bio-digester receptacle can however lead to blowing up with severe damages which can be prevented and cannot be compared to its cost effectiveness.

Since farming is wide spread across the world, methane use from farming activities is highly encouraged to help solve the problem of green waste in markets. The effluent from bio- digesters can still be used as manure hence nothing goes to waste, the soil also benefits and gains fertility.

There are companies in Kenya that deal with installation of bio-digester receptacles hence this is not a new concept in Kenya. Citizens and institutions are however urged to use biogas for clean energy and even if they do not have free access to the animals’ wastes, they can get them from nearby slaughter houses at a fee.Citizens and farmers who have been using biogas for cooking and lighting have greatly benefited and do not have any regrets of using it. They have no dream of turning back to other sources of energy. The merits outweigh the demerits and since nobody wants to spend more money on cooking and petroleum gas, with the tough times brought to the economy by Covid-19, biogas is the immediate remedy, and one can get the raw materials free of charge.

Kenya is making efforts to use clean energy like wind power and geothermal, farmers should therefore feel challenged to use little or no cost at all for energy and especially during these tough economic times of price increment in fuel products.







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