REA in ksh.208bn five year master plan to power up Kenya
Keen on achieving its target of a universal access to electricity, the government has stepped up, efforts to ensure a nationwide connectivity to power grids.
Rural Electrification Authority has embarked on a five year strategic master plan aims to connect power to remaining households by 2018. According the plan, the agency is seeking sh. 208bn to facilitate sourcing of new energy sources and developing the current renewable energy projects as well as connecting those areas close to energy sources.
“This will facilitate achievement of the Government’s target of universal access by 2020,”said REA CEO Munyu Ng’ang’a who revealed that the sh.208bn plan shall be funded by the government.
According to the electrification agency, the plan’s core objective is to provide cheap, clean and reliable power to public facilities and homes by 2018. It shall also stretch its capacity to serve those in marginalized areas that are away from power grids. Once achieved, it is expected to be a shot in the arm for both small and large scale traders who are yet to get power connectivity, upscale levels of communication and security as well as improving lives of residents.
The utility firm is currently working on a sh.13.8bn solar power project in Garissa County, North Eastern Kenya that is expected to generate an additional 55megawatts to the national grid by 2018. The Garissa solar park is funded by China in conjunction with the Government of Kenya.